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Privacy Online and Off

'online life, permanent as a tattoo':

I thought this Ted Talk was a very spot on simile for impacts on the internet. A lot of people think things just disappear, or people are not watching us. However, that is not the case in the digital world, things are permanent and there forever. I  was also very shocked to learn about websites like and the facial profiling that is done based off of our social media. It is frightening to think that an innocent photo someone tags you in can result in your face being tracked and basically stalked by these websites to gather info about you.

'small details police track about us':

License plate tracking can be a very useful tool. You see it being used to track down cars that have kidnapped children, carrying criminals, etc. Because of this technology, many good things have come from it and it has been able to save people and make the world safer. However, I do not think the police/authority should have the right to use our license plates and track us without reasonable cause. If a person is under investigation for something, then yes, track their whereabouts. But if police are tracking someone because they go to a specific location often, that is an invasion of privacy.

'How to avoid surveillance ... with the phone in your pocket':

This Ted Talk came as a pleasant  surprise. I was shocked to learn that companies like Apple and Google were creating technology for their devices that made it impossible for government  officials  to wire tap and listen in on citizens texts, calls, etc. It comes has no surprise that the government is upset because they want total control.  However, as the man said, there are no "drug dealer phones" or "terrorists computer" so it is impossible to know what is going to happen on everyones devices. As stated before, I do not think the government  should be freely open to invade hack us and listen in without reasonable  cause, so I give Apple and Google credit for installing these programs that limit this.  Side note, this video was produced in 2012, I am curious to know what has changed since then

'How revenge porn turns lives upside down':

This Ted Talk made me particularly angry because it too common in this day and age. Revenge porn is a horrible thing that (mainly) happens to women and when it does, they are the ones that pay the price- losing their jobs, respect, and the struggle from the aftermath of it all. I think it is insane that there are no laws to to stop it. It is so wrong that someone can get away with a fine or misdemeanor for invading someones privacy like that. We live in such a digital age there is no reason as to why we dont have laws in place for this. Although the laws are stricter when a child is involved (nude photos are considered child porn) the same laws and control should be set for someone when they are of age. Just because someone is an adult, does not mean that their private photos can be posted. Revenge porn is a prime example of privacy invasion and should be better regulated.

Overall, I thought all of these Ted Talks made valid points and covered different areas of privacy and the cyber world. some of the things I was already aware of, others I was not. The videos also helped me gather more info and points off view on the topics. For example, License plate tracking is  uncalled for without reasonable cause but useful when needed. Also, I was impressed to learn that powerful tech companies are actually doing something to  protect our privacy from the government.  Lastly, I was frustrated to learn how little can be done for revenge porn victims and how authority figures are not working towards making any major changes to change this.  . All of the topics show in these videos are important and need to be handled in our world today because of how digital our society is.


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