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History of the Supreme Court

The U.S Supreme Court is the highest level and most powerful justice system in our country. The system first began under the passage of the Judiciary Act in 1789, and became official in 1790 with its first formal assembly. The court system then moved to D.C in 1801, to be in the Capitol building.
Once in D.C, John Marshel led the first official movement which dealt with a strike of an act of congress being unconstitutional. This case helped make the constitution more effective and fair.

Being appointed to serve on the Supreme Court is a challenging but honorary job. In order to serve in the Supreme Court, the President of The United States must appoint the Judge. Although a President serves for 4-8 years, many judges stay in position longer than the President that appointed them. The average time served for a judge is 16 years, but many judges chose to stay longer.

Today, 9 judges make up the Supreme Court. On average, they receive about 7,000 cases a year- including protest and arguments or verdicts from lowers courts. However, only about 100 are accepted. To this day, the system still relies heavily on tradition and the power of public faith.

Check out this website for more information on the history of The Supreme Court


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