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Google investigation

News Story: Google Investigation 

This past week, 48 states as well as D.C and Puerto Rico announced their investigation of Google advertising strategies. Along with those states, The Department of Justice, the Federal Trade Commission and Congress are also investigating Google. Google is the dominate company in the cyber world and controls most the internets advertisement. People are worried that the results they find on Google are only being shown because those companies paid google more to share their websites. The investigation will focus on whether or not Google is too dominate and controlling in the cyber world and if some of their tactics where legal (i.e forcing their apps onto smart phones and other devices).

One potential solution/ outcome might result in Google Search having to become its own company-allowing for more room on the internet for competitors. Google is a true success story, and the company become so popular because of the hard work of its team. However it has become so powerful and dominate that customers are never able to see anything else besides google because the company has such a powerful voice on the internet.

I think that this is a reasonable/legitimate  issue to be researching. Sine Google is SO powerful, I think they could have gotten away with using illegal tactics in order to be more dominate. Just because a company is favorited by society and has unlimited resources does not mean they should be able to get away with illegal actions.

For more information, watch this video for the full news story.


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