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Privacy Online and Off

'online life, permanent as a tattoo': I thought this Ted Talk was a very spot on simile for impacts on the internet. A lot of people think things just disappear, or people are not watching us. However, that is not the case in the digital world, things are permanent and there forever. I  was also very shocked to learn about websites like and the facial profiling that is done based off of our social media. It is frightening to think that an innocent photo someone tags you in can result in your face being tracked and basically stalked by these websites to gather info about you. 'small details police track about us': License plate tracking can be a very useful tool. You see it being used to track down cars that have kidnapped children, carrying criminals, etc. Because of this technology, many good things have come from it and it has been able to save people and make the world safer. However, I do not think the police/authority should have the right to use our
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EOTO pt. 2

While watching and listening to the other groups I learned many things. However, one topic I found particularly interesting was from group 1- the topic of an Echo Chamber. Before the presentation, I did know the term 'echo chamber', but I was familiar with the definition. The group member defined an echo chamber as a situation/group in which beliefs are amplified and reenforced in groups or organizations. Within these groups people share a common viewpoint and do not contradict each other but rather support and encourage. While presenting, the group pointed out that echo chambers can be very negative because they are sheltering and lead to polarization and bias opinions. I would for sure agree with this because when you don't allow yourself to be exposed to other ideas and thoughts, you are limiting yourself and your awareness for others. I think we live in such a diverse society with many different religions and cultures, and because of that, it is important to respe


The Smith Mundt Act was originally introduced in 1945. Known as the Bloom Bill, the original bill was to allow up and coming technologies like the radio to be permanent and accessible for the public. It also controlled propaganda sent out by the U.S government. However, the bill was denied because it was seen as pro Russian and pro communism. Considering the time frame (cold war),  it is not an unreasonable thought for law makers to have. After working on the bill for a few years, it was passed and signed by President Truman in 1948. Formally becoming a law known as "The U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948". Although there was still some doubt about the new law, Congress made it clear that it needed to cover 6 major things: Tell the truth; explain the motives of the United States; bolster morale and extend hope; give a true and convincing picture of American life, methods, and ideals; combat misrepresentation and distortion; and aggressively interpret

My Online Presence

I think social media is an amazing thing, and I am not afraid to admit that I am an active user of many different platforms including Facebook, Instagram, snapchat, twitter, Linkdin, and pintrest. I love to share my life on the internet. However, I do so tastefully and in a smart way. I do not let random people follow/friend me, I limit the amount of personal information I give out, and I keep my accounts private. From the time social media was in its infant stages and my parents were just starting to allow me to have accounts, my mom was always breathing down my neck about being safe and posting the right things. This included picture with alcohol/parties, respecting my body and how much skin was showing, nothing derogatory, and nothing political.  In high school, I would sometimes get annoyed with her because I wanted to post a cute picture of myself out with friends and she would tell me to delete it. However, now being in college and being in the professional world I am so happy

Diffusion of Innovations

Netflix Diffusion: Today, Netflix is a high demand, popular streaming service that almost every household has. However, it did take some time to grow and develop. At the start, Netflix was a DVD rental service much like a Block Buster or Family Video- it had some support and business but was not too popular. It was not until the personal computer became so common and accessible to the everyday person that Netflix caught on.  When the streaming service launched in 2007, everyone with a laptop computer could now watch shows and movies at their fingertips without having to go to the store and rent a DVD. Because it was so simple and easy, Netflix started to spread and attract more monthly subscribers. Once launched in Europe, Netflix became known worldwide and was taking over the industry. I think so many people were early adaptors because it was a new decade- a new age of technology and people wanted to try everything offered. Companies like Apple and Pc were head of the market wit

Speech Theories

Out of the 8 values of free expression, number 7- Promotion Innovation sticks out to me and is something I value. Promotion Innovation is defined as, “A community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely to be a more energized, creative, interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways.” I believe that is true because every citizen has the right to express their voice/ opinion and have it valued. Also, without freedom of speech our society would be limited and boring; we would all be forced to do the same things and follow a leader along with his/her ideas. I also think this is the most inspiring because it is promoting creativity among citizens. Without people trying new things, being energized and creative, our world would lack passion and new ideas. This idea applies to technology, innovations, and other everyday things we use. Without creativity, we may not have a lot of things our society depends

New Technology- Netflix

Like many others, I am big fan of Netflix, but did not know anything about it before doing this project. It was very interesting to learn the history of such a popular and important company. Netflix was founded in 1997 in Scotts Vally, CA by software engineers Reed Hasting and Marc Randolph. The official website launched in 1998.  Netflix originally started as an online rental service where customers could order copies of videos to their house. In 2002, Netflix became a public company getting the attention of more investors and customers. Between 2003 -2005, the company gained more than 3 million subscribers.  Later on in 2007, Netflix introduced its online streaming service so members could watch on their personal computers- this than led to the development of the app which launched in 2010. Also in 2010, Netflix opened their international market starting with Canada and Latin America; by 2016 the app was available in 130 countries.  Today, Netflix has over 148 million pay